Stone Life

The Four-Sided Stone

I suppose I can thank Will Norvell ( for pushing me over the proverbial edge by answering a series of questions and asking for my response.

Four jobs I've had:

1. The Buckle - That's right, the trendy store full of people that I don't think I could even hold a conversation with anymore. My first college-job....I thought it was the coolest.
2. Youth Intern - Many of the responsibilities of a full-fledged youth minister, but this way they can pay you somewhere around minimum wage.
3. Starbucks Barista - I sold my soul to the Great Satan long ago and now I can't go back.
4. Song-Guy @ Sky Ranch - By far, the most miserable job of the lot. By about week 3 out of 12 every counselor at that camp hated the sight of me due to the endless barrage of "Pharoah, Pharoah" that I was forced to play. Let's be week 6 or so even I hated me.

Four movies I'd watch on repeat:

1. Rounders - I saw this again last weekend, and I don't think I will ever get tired of it.
2. Bottle Rocket - I must thank Will for this gem. I had my first Bottle Rocket experience in Sherman, TX, and my life is now forever changed. I now believe in "second blessings".
3. That Thing You Do - Granted, it's corny, but what wannabe musician doesn't love that story.
4. Dead Man on Campus - I believe I actually get dumber each time I watch this, but I still laugh my arse off everytime. Jim and I have watched this a thousand times I bet.
5. Without Limts - I know I said four, but Jim and I have watched this probably more than the last one.

Four TV shows I love:

1. West Wing - Liberal bias, schriberal-bias...I don't care. I love it.
2. Family Guy - It makes me laugh like a little girl.
3. TNT's Inside the NBA - The only thing better than the Thursday night games is Charles Barkley's commentary afterward.

Four vacation spots I'd love to frequent:

1. Colorado - It doesn't matter where. Just give me mountains, snow, and cold air.
2. Ruidoso, NM - It has been somewhat of a second home-town for me growing up, and I think I could just about move there.
3. Paint Rock, TX - I know what you're thinking: "Where?" That's the point. It's in the middle of nowhere, and that feeling of isolation really appeals to me. My cell phone won't even work out there.
4. Europe - My exposure has been somewhat limited to this point, but I'm hoping to change that very soon.

Four websites I visit daily:

1. - I'm a bit of a sports-junky.
2. - my brother's blog-site
3. - I have this uncontrollable desire to check my email ever 30 seconds. It's bordering on OCD at this point.
4. Blogs, blogs, blogs - Will's, Erin's...etc. I even hit the Random button when I'm bored. The whole blog-world is fascinating and strange.

Four foods I lust for

1. Taco Bell bean and cheese burritos. I don't know if I've gone more than a few days without one of these since Jr. High.
2. Big Deal breakfast combo with cheese - You Crane-born Americans will understand. Heaven with have a Big Deal Burrito Hut if there is a God.
3. Jimi's Pizza - This is a place that has helped our school out, and I'm convinced they put nicotine or something in their pizza, becuase I can't eat any other kind anymore.
4. Coffee - Technically this is not a food, but I would go without food before I would go without coffee. (Side-note - I coach basketball, and I stopped the other night on the way to our game, which we were potentially late for, and I made one of my players go into Starbucks and buy me a cup of coffee....the problem is getting worse)

Four changes to my house:

1. Foundation - The cracks in our walls are starting to get cracks in them.
2. Neighborhood - It's not the worst, but it's not exactly Mayberry.
3. Functional Sprinkler System - I have spent countless hours trying to get that piece of crap to work, but it's of no use. Once I fix one spot another malfunctions. I finally rebelled against the lawn and stopped watering it. I was "that neighbor" that didn't care what his yard looked like.
4. Functional Plumbing System - The only thing I have spent more time on than the sprinkler system is the plumbing. I believe this to be my "thorn in the flesh".

Four beers I like:

1. Becks Dark - The Germans know what they are doing.
2. Guiness Stout - Apparantly the Irish aren't bad either. Funny story - I had a Guiness with the great-grandson of Arthur Guiness, who is a noted scholar and theologian. It was a cool experience.
3. Shiner Bock - As far as cheap beer goes, it is pretty not bad. If they don't serve the previous two, this is a reliable stand-by.
4. As my friend Todd says, "I like the beer the other man is buying."

Four books you would recommend:

1. Plato's Republic - Even if you don't study philosophy, this is like an intro course to Greek thought.
2. Soren Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling -It's a Christian debate worth having.
3. Milan Kundera's Life is Elsewhere or The Unbearable Lightness of Being: I can't say enough good things about either of these. They are worth every minute of your reading-time.
4. Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes From the Underground - I am a recent Dostoevsky convert, but this is brilliant.

Four tags (which apparently is where I pawn this off on some other suckers):

1. Jim
2. Julie
3. Abbey
4. Debby

3 Responses to “The Four-Sided Stone”

  1. # Blogger Will, Beth, Jessie Rose and Asher Norvell

    I'd like to agree with you on your reccomended books, but I generally try to stay away from books written by guys whose names I can't even pronounce. I figure if I can't make it all the way through the front cover, I'm already doomed.  

  2. # Blogger Will, Beth, Jessie Rose and Asher Norvell

    See, I even misspelled a word in my response. I guess Mrs. Johns didn't...wait...I better stop there.  

  3. # Blogger debdud

    Your foray into blogging has certainly gotten my attention...even though it's Thursday night - TNT "broadcast blog" with Ernie, Kenny and Charles is in progress, yet I am writing.

    I'd like to say that I had attended class absorbing Russian literature but someone forgot to tell me where the class was and when it started! OK, reality is that the picture feature (Chaos) is a perfect representation of my life - no time for class right now, but discussion is welcome. comment is that in the worst suffering of my life, enduring circumstances unfair beyond measure, God brings me to my own wretchedness, pride and utter inability to do anything devoid of self motives... that changes me from bitter and angry to undeserving and dependent, sometimes.  

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