Stone Life

Damn You Milton!!!

I have mentioned my Milton class before, where I'm caught somewhere between fond affection and absolute hatred, but last night's class really beat me down. Some nights I walk out of those classes feeling somewhat educated, as if I might even belong at that university, but other night's, and last night was a prime example, I sit for 3 hourse of lecture feeling like this guy (above). At those times it occurs to me that no matter how hard I work I will always be behind some, if not most of these other students. They have read more in their previous degrees than I can possibly catch up with, and there are so many new things to read that I can't stop for 4 years to catch up or I will be even further behind. Thus the eternal race continues. The moral of the story: Momma's, don't let your babies grow up to be students at a small Baptist university....they won't read enough good books.

It's disheartening to say the least, and so today I proclaim my hatred for all things Miltonian, and I refuse to engage in any reading or studying of his poetry in protest against least until tomorrow when I have to get ready for next class....after all, one can only take one's principles so far, right?

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