Stone Life

Saturday evening and Sunday we spent the day in Tubingen, another small town bordering Bavaria. We stayed in another living community of sorts for students at the university in the town. We stayed out late on Saturday night, and then Sunday we roamed around the city.

Just behind the two pictures up top lies the Philosophy and History wing of the University, and these are both very old and very famous. I believe they were established sometime in the 1400's, and they have housed some of the greatest German minds in history. Luckily for me we stayed with a group of philosophy students who were more than willing to walk us through the building and discuss German philosophy with me. What a treat to be able to speak about Heidegger and Nietzsche with those who have actually read it in its original language. The history of thought in Tubingen has left a legacy that those enrolled there do not take lightly. This was by far one of the best experiences of my trip.

As the last two pictures show, Tubingen is built upon a river, though I cannot remember which one it is, and hills. Everywhere that you walk to is either up hill or down, there are no in betweens. After having climbed Muenster the day before, it was very taxing to climb the steep hills in Tubingen all day. The city is beautiful, though. It really gives you a feel of "old world" Germany, where life is just not as fast paced and hectic as the modern world.

The way home was another adventure in itself. Though we were exhausted, Max and Anja did not want to settle for buying a 35 Euro ticket for the three of us to get home, and so they walked around the Hauptbahnhof in Tubingen asking people if they had a ticket that the 3 of us could latch on to. You see, each weekend pass is good for 5 people, and so the search was on to find a couple who were travelling to Munich. After a bit of searching and asking we lucked out and found a couple heading exactly for Munich. We joined them, and 4 or 5 trains later we were in Neuaubing again. Once again, it was quite an experience.
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