Stone Life

Just A Quickie

I am on someone else's computer in Ulm, so I am going to make this quick. First of all, sadly, I have watched the final game of the 2006 NBA Finals, and my heart has been broken for the last 24 hours. I do not have the energy to speak of it right now, but your comments and emails are welcome now. Thank you for allowing me to experience on my own. In Munich, the NBA receives no attention at all, so each game was a surprise when I watched it a day or two late.

Obviously, as I mentioned a moment ago, we are in Ulm, a small University town an hour or two outside of Munich. For the first time in my life I hitchhiked to get here. Anja and I went together to the bus and headed to the edge of Munich. I was warned that once we stepped onto the edge of the Autobahn entrance that it might take a bit of time to get a ride, but hopefully not too long, as Anja assured me she had luck in this location. Well, literally no more than 45 seconds after she stuck her thumb out onto the road, a car pulled over and offered us a ride.

Picture this, a car that might be smaller than my Mini, filled with luggage and junk so that it was pouring from the open windows, but they invited us in nontheless. We sat down in the back and they piled things on top of us until pretty much only our heads were showing so that we could breathe. We spent the next hour or two driving down the Autobahn with a delightful couple from France (him) and Germany (her). We all spoke an interesting mixture of French-German-English, and the ride was extremely enjoyable, mostly on account of the gorgeous farmland that rolled for miles outside of the window. Everything is just so green in Bavaria. I have never seen so many different shades of the same color, but in Deutschland I have.

Upon arrival we wandered about the city until finally finding the dorm of the student that we are staying with. Tonight 4 of us will sleep in a small dorm room, smaller than any I have been in in the U.S. Tomorrow we will head for Tubingen, another University town with an interesting heritage.

2 Responses to “Just A Quickie”

  1. # Blogger Chad Gerlt

    I learned about the Tubingen school when I was in college. Their theology was controversial, though I cannot remember what they taught. I do, however, remember Dr. Williford preaching the evils of whatever their opinion was. Hope you have fun learning their heritage.  

  2. # Blogger Jamie Butts

    Julie report: We had fun tonight getting her input on wedding invitations, laughing and killing a yucky roach. Fun times.

    Dustin and I are thrilled that you can make it to our wedding!  

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