Stone Life

On the Eighth Day He Created ITunes

Sing it with me, "All hail the power of Itunes' name, let angels prostrate fall..." Perhaps that is a bit of an exageration, but I am beginning a deep love affair with this program, because it has allowed me a glimpse at the world I left behind several weeks ago. In the wee hours of the morning, after returning home from a long, cold evening, I was able to watch my beloved Mavs put a beating on those detestable Heat.

Yes, blogworld, basketball has returned to me, and I have welcomed it with open arms. Itunes uploads the Finals' games in their entirety 24 hours or so after the final buzzer, and I can purchase them in Germany. Google Video has been doing something similar with previous series, but they do not allow we poor Germans to view them from our fair country. "Down with Google, up with Itunes," I say.

So, all in all, I have only missed three Mavs games this postseason, and two of them (where we apparantly lashed the Suns quite handily), are supposedly in the mail as we speak. I could not wait for them, and they probably will not work on my VCR anyway, so I went ahead and found out who was in the Finals afterall.

My sincere thanks to all who bit their proverbial tongues in our little blog-o-sphere, because no one even hinted at the result to me (except for those New Yorkers that were here last weekend...God will punish them, I believe). Though it is several days late, "Go MAVS!!!". I should now only be a day or so behind the rest of the world, so thank you for your continued patience....especially you, Debby.

So, cheer them on to victory tonight, and know that I will be doing the same tomorrow night. It is a sweet sight to behold, indeed.

3 Responses to “On the Eighth Day He Created ITunes”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I wus in de finals fer de firs time eva. Nex time I vill defeet de Shak evin moreso dan de firs time. Sank you for vatchink, all my vans, espeshally you, Mikael.  

  2. # Blogger Abbey

    I'm so glad that you are caught up now! I've been watching the finals and have been so excited!! MavMania is wild around here. Everyone is cheering them on! I'm glad you are too now!  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey Michael, Debby actually had a Mav's/Heat watch party at her new house, Game 1. She is trying to be gracious in the wake of her beloved Spurs going down. ("Trying" is the operative word, we give her credit for this.) We thought of you last night- there was a story on Dirk's German coaches getting up at 3:00 AM to watch the game live, sounded like something you would do. Hope all is well. Go Mavs! Connie O  

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