Stone Life

Reflection, Cirucmstance, and Change of Plans

I suppose I should begin with circumstance, because it has become a catalyst for change in my current situation. I might have explained this once before, and so I will attempt to be brief. The classes that were suppose to span the two months of June and July, for which I rushed from school, and was here by June 1, are in fact a mistake on the part of the registrar-secretary at the language school. It turns out that I made it for the last of one session, am now in the midst of a week off, and will start a 4 week session this coming Monday. The next one will not begin until The 3rd week of July, so it is not feasible for me to attend this.

As for reflection, I have been thinking through the purpose of my trip. I am not Jim, who just wants to wander about, though I understand him a bit better after the last week or so. I am here studying, and I spend the majority of my time at a desk reading or writing. This leaves little time for roaming about the countryside, though I plan to do a bit of that on the weekends. I also am married and enjoy my homelife. I have really missed my wife, and it saddens me that she will not be able to visit.

This has caused a change in my plans. I contemplated just spending the extra 3 weeks here in Munich, but I do not think I would enjoy that as much as going home and spending the final month of my summer with my wife in Texas, studying, preparing for next year, and just being a bum with friends and family. Perhaps this makes me less adventuresome than my ultra independent brother, but I think I am okay with that. I love that we have such different lives, and I am glad to be experiencing a bit of what he experiences each day.

I look forward to my next 4 or 5 weeks in Germany, but I also look forward to getting home to some normalcy.....though I will miss this cold weather when I am sweating in Arlington.

1 Responses to “Reflection, Cirucmstance, and Change of Plans”

  1. # Blogger Chad Gerlt

    Glad you'll be coming home sooner than expected. I miss playing basketball with you [sniff] and Julie is just talking our ears off. Okay that's a lie, but she had made it known that she misses you.  

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