Stone Life

The Stuff of Nightmares

Let me put is quite plainly, it has been a bad day. It began by oversleeping for my first day of class. I woke up as the class was starting, due to the ineffective alarm clock function of my Ipod. I rushed from the house, not even stopping at one of the many local cafe's along the way for a cup of coffee, but I knew that it would take me nearly 45 minutes to make it to the class. I had to run to the train station, though I missed it by two minutes, which delayed me for 15 minutes. After catching the next train, getting on the subway at the main station, and finally running down the street that my school resides, I was just about 1 hour late for my very first class.

I was a bit nervous, because 1) I was not sure what to expect 2)I did not know what they expected of me 3) Everyone else in the class had been together for 1 month prior. I snuck into the classroom, and, off course, the only seat available was one the front row. Stares abounded as I tried to sneak into my seat. The professor never skipped a beat. It took all of about 30 seconds to realize that I was in way over my head. I could not understand a word of what was being said. It was all spoken so fast, and there was no explanations forthcoming. After 20 minutes of torture, finally the professor took notice of me and read my registration slip. She laughed and said something indiscernible to me, and she told me I was in the wrong place. Turns out that was the advanced class, something I am years away from.

The registrar corrected her mistake, and she sent me to sneak into another room. This time I could pick up a bit of what was being said, but the teacher was calling on student for answers. I think I could have understood were her instructions given in English, but she spoke very quick German, and she had no patience for those who could not answser. That included me. She called on me within my first 10 minutes of being in the room. I could not tell you what she was asking of me. I just sat there silent, trying to figure it out. Finally, I just said, 'Nein' and told her I did not understand. She then apparantly made fun of me in German, and the entire room of 20 laughed at me mercilessly. I seriously wanted to crawl under the table.

Long story short, I ended up in a lower level class that is going to suit me fine. There is much homework, and so I better get to work on that soon. I will soon write more. Keep the emails coming...I miss home.


3 Responses to “The Stuff of Nightmares”

  1. # Blogger Erin

    Sorry Germans.

    Come on home. The neighborhood is lonely without you. Oh, but our other set of scary neighbors are moving away today. Things are looking up.

    Miss you-  

  2. # Blogger Abbey

    Nightmare for sure. Sorry you had a bad start. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Love ya!  

  3. # Blogger Jamie Butts

    Your kids were super today. They are quick learners; think I taught them every sign I know in ASL. Tanner was there and had fun with him. Gave Lacey book. Left one for Scott. They miss you too. Do you feel missed yet? Sorry about your bad day!!  

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