Stone Life

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday Dad!

I admit that this is perhaps the gayest 'dad-cake' that I could possibly find, but my time this morning is somewhat limited, and it is a birthday cake after all. I hope your birthday is filled with lots of real cake and rest.....but the chances of the latter are remote at best.

Let me tell a little about my dad. Dad is 51-ish (sorry) and he has a grand total of about a dozen children, give or take a few, due to a combining of two families these last few years. That in itself would be no big deal, because we kids are 20-30 years old, right? Two of these kids are somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-7 years old, and so that changes things dramatically. He and Barbara decided they liked the parenting bit so much that they re-upped for another 16 or so years. It's like the soldier who finally gets sent home from combat after years of hard and dangerous service only to get antsy once back home, and so he signs up for another tour of duty. Or better yet, like the prisoner who is released, but he can't stand the freedom, so he commits another crime in order to get arrested and thrown back into prison. (I thought you would like those, Dad).

In all seriousness, he is a good man and a great example for me and my brother(s) to follow.

Thanks for all that you do, and have a great birthday.

1 Responses to “Happy Birthday Dad!”

  1. # Blogger Abbey

    Yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! I love you!!!!!  

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