Stone Life

New Subscription

Yesterday I came home to what I thought was surely junk-mail. Sitting on the counter was this week's edition of "Human Events: The National Conservative Weekly". For those of you who are not subscribers, and how could you possibly call yourself an American and not be, let me give you a rundown of the enlightening content. Simply put, it is exactly what it sounds like, complete with the obligatory picture of George Bush on the front page, and replete with the word liberal, used as a curse-word of sorts (picture to the right was taken from an advertisement on their website). Julie nearly threw it out, but she noticed the subscription information, and it was addressed to me.

You might be saying to yourself, "Michael, are you a closet fundamentalist conservative?" Though my credibility in denying this has taken a serious hit by being an apparant active subscriber to a publication that has as its second page story, "The Da Vinci HOAX: Exposing the Errors in the Da Vinci Code", nontheless, I have to say that I have not crossed over to the dark side. You question me? As well you should. I hear the questions, "Where did such propagandist literature come from?"...."Did it just magically appear on your doorstep?"...."Did the credit card act on its own initiative when it paid for this year-long subscription?"

The answer to each of these questions is quite comical. Several weeks ago, one of the parents of one of my students informed me, much to my surprise, that she and her husband would like to purchase a year's subscription to a philosophic journal on my behalf, as some sort of going away present. She mentioned that they knew a philosopher, which sent red-flags up all around me, (no one calls themselves that, and most misuse the title as some sort of catch-all for someone who reads books not on the bestseller's list) and he had recommended a few scholarly journals that I might be interested in. I was nervous, but nontheless flattered and excited, because I had been wanting to subscribe to a journal of some kind....and this one was free.

Apparantly, yesterday I received the scholarly journal that was promised to me....and I have 51 more fun-filled issues to eagerly anticipate. With articles entitled, "Read My Lips: No New Amnesty", "The Da Vinci Code: Cashing in on Defaming Christ", "The Left is Hopelessly Tied to the Culture of Death", and other such 'fair and balanced' articles, I can hardly contain myself. If nothing else, I cannot imagine that I will be absent fodder for my blog for the forseeable future.

Here is my one question about this purchase: Who gets to know me for more than 5 minutes and thinks that this is my kind of news rag?

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