Stone Life

Sunday BBQ

All in all it has been a very active weekend, capped off by a good 'ole Texas style barbeque....except for the good 'ole and Texas parts. Rather, we had a German-hippie-barbeque, complete with more vegetables that you could imagine, and only a few pieces of meat.

I think there were probably something like forty people attending this small get-together, but never more than 10-15 at a time. I have learned that when Germans/Europeans get together with one another, they do not take such a metting lightly. We began at about 1:00 pm, with people coming at a slow pace. Things did not

end until just now, about 1:00 am, as we ushered the last stragglers through the door and made haste with the cleanup.

Once again, it was a diverse experience. Throughout the course of the day I met many different Germans, two Mexicans, 1 Frenchman, 1 Chinese girl, and 1 Englishman (I particularly enjoyed getting to speak regular English with the latter).

No amount of food or English-conversation can possibly rival my favorite visitor of the weekend, though. When I opened the package of warm clothes that Julie had sent me, there was this welcomed intruder(below) sitting atop of my favorite sweatshirt. This made my weekend.

When Julie and I first began dating seriously we ate many a box o Pop-Tarts at her parents house, and for the longest time these little Pokemon toys would be in each box. I do not know who began the now-tradition, but we began to hide these for each other to find; in bags, cars, desks, etc..etc. This lasted in some form until we were married a couple of years later, and then the novelty, I suppose, wore off.

As I was cleaning my office a few weeks ago, I came across one last vagabond Pokemon, hiding amidst the rubble. I wiped the proverbial dust from its long travelled body, and then I cleverly hid it in a bag that she took on some trip for the weekend.

Much to my delight, Pokemon made a trip to Germany this last week, and he was received with much smiling and warm wishes upon his arrival. Thank you, my math nerd, for taking a guy in Germany back across the ocean, even if for just a few moment. I would send him back, but he seems exhausted.

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1 Responses to “Sunday BBQ”

  1. # Blogger Jamie Butts

    I haven't commented in awhile, seeing as how we've been here and there and everywhere, but at the computer. So, I enjoyed getting caught up - seeing your newfound juggling skills, fun gift from your wonderful wife, and all of the joyful news that you are coming back early and you will make the hitching party after all. =) I'm so glad you can make it!  

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