Stone Life

Not Making New Friends

Three cheers for the least-liked teacher at St. Alban's!!!

From Saturday night.....but I have been too lazy to post it until now:

It has been quite a week, and I am glad that it is over. Progress reports came out this week, and it could not have been any more uncomfortable to have the name Mr. Stone. The sad-sight along the football sidelines last night should give you an indication of what I am talking about. We have a six-man football team of only 16 players, but 7 of them were wearing jeans and jerseys, cheering their team on to victory. You see, Mr. Stone is mean, unfair, too hard, uncaring...etc, etc, etc, and he failed 7 football players, to go along with a host of other non-athletes in his 5 classes.

The good news is that I have had nothing but support from everyone, including parents of these students. In fact, the head football coach gave his usual rah-rah speech at the pep-rally, but it had an interesting twist. He ended by giving a 2 minute explanation about why only 9 people would be suiting out, and about the fact that sports are a privelage earned through hard work, not a right. I found out that the day before he ran them into the ground, too.

Coincidentally, the Athletic Director/Basketball coach noticed that there were not many basketball players failing my classes, which excited him for the upcoming season. I told one of the football coaches later that if they had asked me to coach football they might not be having this problem either.

1 Responses to “Not Making New Friends”

  1. # Blogger Jamie Butts

    I feel ya. While it's only 5th grade, they check my football players' grades each Friday, and there is one athletic lad who is consistently ineligible due to his poor grades in my classes. What will matter more in 10 years? Keep at it. Glad you have support from your school.  

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