Stone Life

Yes, I'll Have the Extra Helping of Humility

it is a dark night here at Stone Manor. I am currently hiding under the bed in utter shame; shameful, shame-filled shame.

Julie and I have been attending Inglewood Baptist Church in Grand Prairie for the last few weeks, because they have asked me to play guitar with them for their two services on Sunday morning. I normally have something akin to an allergic reaction when I step foot inside of a Baptist church, but this place has been different. They are genuine people, and the staff is great. Everyone is young, and the majority are athletes. This last fact is important, because, after spending the last few Sundays with them, I was invited to play in a city softball league with some of the staff and members. I was thrilled at the prospect, and so tonight was my debut.

Let me preface the night be telling you that I have had a pretty good sports-run going for the last several months. I have developed a reputation among the group that I play football with as a decent cornerback and possession-receiver, my basketball skills have improved to the point that when I play with a new group I generally guard one of the best opposing players, and I scored my first soccer goal ever last Friday night. All in all, it has been a good run.....and it ended tonight.

I just met the coach this evening, and so I started the game on the bench, but within a couple of innings he took my word for it that I was fast enough to cover the outfield (a very busy position in beer-league softball), and so he put me in for the remainder of the double-header. I tried to go in with some confidence, even though I have not even touched a baseball glove in 3-4 years, and I certainly have not swung a bat in that long. I immediately ran up on a ground ball, holding a runner from making a double, and I felt pretty comfortable. I flied out at my first at-bat, but it was a close one, and so went the first few innings of play, nothing spectacular, but solid. I was so close to not being found out as a fraud that I could just about taste it.....and then it happened.

Let me further preface this revelation by saying that I accomplished something that I am no sure I have EVER seen in slow-pitch softball.........I struck out!!!!

Go ahead, laugh....I would. There is no explanation for it, no rhyme or reason, I just wiffed twice.....and I wanted to take my fraudulent glove, my poser hat, and my faker cleats and hit the showers. I finished the game, had a nice diving grab among a few other decent plays, but I am haunted now.

Thought you might like to revel in my humiliation. Enjoy.


I Suck

2 Responses to “Yes, I'll Have the Extra Helping of Humility”

  1. # Blogger Abbey

    LOL, thanks for the laugh. I'm sure I could do no better at soft ball but just reading your story is funny. :)  

  2. # Blogger Dustin

    Don't feel bad, the first time I played slow pitch in college they put me in right field (where there ususally aren't too many balls hit) and I ended up about 5 feet in front of the first fly ball that got hit my way. The ball got hit, I thought I had judged it right, stood there with my glove up looking like I had things taken care of, and then the ball landed...they moved me to 2nd base for the rest of the season since we had an infield fly rule.  

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