Stone Life

Finally, A Must-See Film

I admit it, I am lazy. I am acquainted both intimately and casually with some of the most rabid, studious film-lovers in DFW, but I rarely venture away from my books and Mav's basketball far enough to enjoy good film with them. I should be more immersed, but I'm not. I am, without a doubt, the worse for it.

This being said, I was invited out late last night after class to enjoy the newest Woody Allen film entitled "Match Point". I won't bore you with the synopsis, you can read IMDB on your own time, but I will say that I was thoroughly impressed. I realize that it had an A-list celebrity in it, and it is a far cry from a low-budget art-film, but it was nontheless artistic and beautiful. I would have thought so on my own, but I felt even more justified when my film-buff of a friend agreed.

In a time when there is hardly anything worth seeing in the theatres, there is a beacon in the night. Here's your assignment: Go to Grapevine Mills Mall at 10:30 on a weeknight (there is no one else in the theatre at that time) and enjoy the heighths of film-making. I'd be shocked if you leave disappointed.

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