Stone Life

The Change

I was sent a letter from my principal this morning, a letter that will soon be sent to the parents of my school. To be honest, I do not always/usually/ever read these emails, because I would have no time for important school matters (like blogging), but this one was interesting. He poses an interesting question for debate....and then he rambles on a bit, but let me reproduce for you the questioning part.

When did things change? What happened? When did the paradigm shift occur where everything is seen through the child’s perspective, rather than the adult’s perspective? My Mom would never have attacked a teacher (or coach) because of my skewed viewpoint. She would always support the teacher first and work with me to see the bigger picture. She was very thankful to have me in a Christian environment with teachers who loved and cared for me, and held me accountable to high standards for my behavior and academic growth. Unless a teacher was doing something immoral, illegal, or contrary to Christian doctrine she never questioned a teacher’s integrity or their ability to do their job.

PARENTS : Do not rescue your children from adversity! Adversity is the vehicle through which Faith and Character are developed. Please let me repeat that…Adversity is the vehicle through which FAITH and CHARACTER are developed. If this statement is true, why would we try to rescue our children from adversity? By all means support them and love them through tough times, but DON’T RESCUE THEM!
I am not sure I have the time or energy right now to debate this, but maybe you do. If so, here is your forum.

2 Responses to “The Change”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    "Adversity is the vehicle through which FAITH and CHARACTER are developed. If this statement is true, why would we try to rescue our children from adversity?"

    If you get your tongue cut off from sticking it into a meat grinder you're not going to have a tongue to put into *another* meat grinder. If this statement is true, why would we try to prevent our children from putting their tongues into the meat grinder since they won't be doing it again?  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    More importantly, why is it suddenly of such paramount importance to not rescue your children to warrant sending a letter out about this? Has there been a recent rash of epidemic proportions of rescued children? Or does your principal do this pretty regularly?

    Maybe the next one should be about making sure kids floss after eating corn on the cob. It's just good dental hygiene, you know.  

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