Stone Life

Become a Fan!

I mentioned them in passing a few days ago, but I'm serious now, you need to check out Judd and Maggie. They have been on a pretty constant rotation in my ipod, and yesterday on my way home from school I realized that I truly enjoy every song on their album. Maybe there's some sort of auditory-meth built into the cd that has me hooked, but it worked.

So, go ahead, click on the button above and spend the 10 dollars to buy it. If you don't like it I'll buy the disc back from you. (That's just hyperbole...I'm not going to send you money, but I'll take the copy that you don't like and give it to someone else).

If they are not your cup o' tea, I'll give one more artist a plug. By far, the best thing that I've heard in the last several years (no kidding) is Ray LaMontagne. I give Jim full-credit for giving me a free copy of this...I can't go more than a few days without a 'fix' of his "smoky-voice" (0ne of my sixth-graders actually described it like this...good for her). He just released a short live album that is more than worth the 5 dollars on itunes.

So, skip a meal this week if you have to, but do your ears a favor and give a listen to one of these guys...or just stop by and I'll let you borrow mine

1 Responses to “Become a Fan!”

  1. # Blogger Jamie Butts

    I love Judd and Maggie. Woohoo.  

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