Stone Life

New Artist

Last Sunday night, while watching Grey's Anatomy (yes, I admit it) with my wife, I heard a truly great of those songs that really grabs you and gives you shivers. I like to call it a Damien Rice moment, referring to the first time that I heard "Cannonball" while working at Starbucks. There are just those songs and artists that come across as uniquely talented and worth paying attention to.

I am in a constant, unending search for new music, so I thought, "Why not get online and pick up a copy of this unknown person's album?" Little did I know that this would be the seed of thought that grew to ruin my week.
Turns out, no one knows who this person is. I spent much of my free time Monday mingling amongst what I now believe to be the lowest rung of humanity, those people that make 'Dungeons and Dragons' nerds look like James Dean: that's right, Grey's Anatomy Message Board'ers'. Holy jeez, these people obsessed over every damn detail of that show; I felt like less of a person for even scanning them, but much to my delight they also discussed the possible origin of that great song.

On Tuesday or Wednesday the mystery was finally uncovered, only to deepen my misery. Turns out that the mysterious artist is an Irish singer/songwriter named Foy Vance.
Great, except he is still a relative unknown who is waiting to release his first major album. So, there lies the dilemma. I found a live ep that I can order from the UK, but there isn't even a recording of the new song floating around. I now have to, like a man with OCD, check his site daily to see when the album will be released. If you would like to join in my misery, check him out.

1 Responses to “New Artist”

  1. # Blogger Abbey

    I may not chat about it online, but I'm a big Grey's fan:) Jose even bought me the first season on DVD. Don't know about the song but glad you admited to watching the show. You will be hooked soon:) Love ya!  

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