Stone Life

The Death of Education: Dostoevsky's Vision

Where to start? I think I could write for the next hour without stopping, I have so much swimming in my mind after last night's class. By way of recap, I am involved in a 19th Century Russian novel class at the University of Dallas, which is taught by one of the great literary minds in Dallas, Louise Cowan. We are chest-deep in Dostoevsky these last 2 months, reading all of his major novels, and last night we concluded discussing arguably his darkest work: The Devils. This is my second read through this novel in the last 3 months, so I gleaned more from it than any of than I did from The Idiot, but apart from a personal interest this novel is profound and chilling in so many ways.

I could rant about various aspects that were intriguing, such as his behind-the-scenes look at terrorism in the 19th Century, which arguably birthed the modern terrorist movement, or I am fascinated by his continued creation of heroes that in many ways represent all that is reprehensible in man yet are genuinely likeable, but I choose rather to discuss his prophetic comments on the future of education. (Maybe I'll even get really ambitious and actually pull passages from the text....but don't hold your breath)

Now that I have wetted your appetite, and mine for that matter, I have to go be a teacher for a little bit, but explanations and grandstanding will follow shortly....

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