Stone Life


I was reminded of something that makes me laugh nearly everyday. It's an everyday occurence, mind you, but some days it's more annoying than funny. Today: funny.

The teacher across the hall, of whose quirks I could write a book, has one particular habit in particular is blog-worthy. Twice a day, every day the 5th and 6th grade classes go to some kind of music, spanish, p.e....etc class, and most teachers each take turns taking them to and from each. Early in the year Nancy and I decided that I would be responsible for taking them twice a day and she would bring them back.

Here's the thing, I don't know if I would need both hands to count the number of times she has been on time. We go to these classes at the same time each day, and my class and I have to wait around for them to come out of their class each time. The funny part is that she comes out and gives me some heart-felt excuse each and every time. She will come to me and say, "Sorry, our science ran over" or "I don't know what happened, but we lost track of time." I seriously don't think she realizes how silly those excuses sound. It's EVERY DAY!

Thought some of you could relate.

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