Stone Life

Nietzsche and Education

I have spent the better part of the last 4 hours reading Nietzsche, so much so that my eyes can hardly focus on the screen right now. Being able to do this in the middle of the week is a rare occurrence, but it worked out that I had to give several tests in a row today, and so I am taking advantage by trying to catch up on my studies for Thursday night’s aptly named “Nietzsche”-class.

As for philosophy, I really, really enjoy reading Nietzsche, which I think he would approve of, so long as my motives in studying were pure (if such a thing is even possible), but there were some particularly prophetic and moving passages that I came across today that I thought I would share with the blog-world at large.

In his essay “Schopenhauer as educator” in Untimely Mediations, he bemoans the current (italics used, because his use of the word is referring to the late 1800’s) state of education on Europe, Germany in particular, but I find that it has only become more exaggerated in contemporary (now…2006) America. It is a 100 page essay filled with good stuff, but here is a taste

He announces the end of education: geniuses. The problem, he says, is that the modern advancement of culture, the product of education, is not designed to produce these geniuses.

For there exists a species of misemployed and appropriated culture – you have only to look around you! And precisely those forces at present most actively engaged in promoting culture do so for reasons they reserve to themselves and not out of pure disinterestedness. (Untimely, 164)

Among the culprits, he lists the money-makers. These people view education simply as a means to a capital-end, a quick-fix on the way to riches. He writes,

What is demanded here is that the individual must be able, with the aid of this general education, exactly to assess himself with regard to what he has a right to demand of life…that there exists a natural and necessary connection between ‘intelligence and property’, between ‘wealth and culture’, more, that this connection is a moral necessity.

….namely, a speedy education so that one may quickly become a money-earning being, yet at the same time an education sufficiently thorough to enable one to earn a very great deal of money. (165)

He hits the proverbial nail-on-the-head, pointing out that more serious, and thereby longer and more tedious forms of education are looked at as “refined egoism” and “immoral cultural Epicureanism”. Intellectual engagement of the highest order, apart from the goal of material gain, becomes a sort of cerebral-masturbation, gratifying only to oneself, shameful, selfish.

6 Responses to “Nietzsche and Education”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous


    I am impressed by your ability to read and study book after book after book like you do. You truly have been given a gift from God our Father! I am amazed at what an intelligent young man you've become, and I appreciate your heart to want to share this gift with others. It is a wonderful opportunity to teach children for they are our inheritance we will receive in heaven. I pray that God will annoint you as you stand in your classroom daily feeding your flock. :-)

    I do have a few concerns though. I pray you do not get lost in all the "knowledge" that this world has to give. There are libraries full of "thoughts" and "truths" all over this world in every language and in every nation that it would take a thousand if not a million life times to read all of man's ideas about life. I agree that there is truth in books other than the bible. I think that God made truth so evident in our daily lives that even an athiest can see it plain as day without even reading the bible. Yet he remains to "see without seeing", and "hear without hearing" because he refuses to turn and give his ways to God through His son. There is truth but the key is whom you attribute the truth to.

    God is spirit and is in everything and everyone. Even if one does not acknowledge His presence He is still there. No human being ever born yesterday, today, or tomorrow can escape His presence. He speaks and has spoken to every person ever born and desires for ALL men to know Him and His truth. He is ALWAYS speaking even if we deny Him. If these philosophers stumbled onto wisdom and truth it was because God not man revealed it to them. They did not come into the fountain of truth themselves because of their awesome intelligence and great ability to think, but it was God Himself who revealed truth to these men. He is not altogether impressed by their smarts because it was He who placed it in them! God chooses man not the other way around.

    I believe it is dangerous to read and digest the thoughts and words of men to be truth when they do not confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour. Remember, we are warned in the word that anyone who does not confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and rose from the dead pocesses the spirit of the anti-chirst. If they are not receiving the spirit of God, what spirit are they therefore entertaining? We can be very easily deceived in these dark and evil days and we are called to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Be careful of the voices that you allow to teach and mold your mind. The Holy spirit speaks to us, but there are dark spirits and principalities and powers of the air that seek to kill, steal, and destroy us. The great deceiver is still a liar and none of us are immune from falling into his traps. We are called to watch. We are called to be sober and vigilant because our advisary the devil is pacing to and fro for he knows his time is short. He seeks to keep us off keep us off the straight and very narrow path of Jesus Christ and His word.

    I believe he has used education in this country to cloud our minds and steer them from focusing on Jesus Christ and His word. I believe all the media and information that bombards us on a daily basis can silence the voice of God if we allow it. That is why I steer away from studying and picking the brains of men who lived long ago. Let the dead bury the dead right? I serve my saviour who is alive and well living in me and He will steer me to truth and wisdom. Praise God! That has freed me from the "shame" if you will of not having a college education in this very driven must be "educated" world. Even the church says you cannot preach unless you've gone through seminary and studied theology and philosophy. I don't believe that. Jesus chose fishermen who probably cussed like sailors(in the beginning anyway) to spread his gospel! The holy spirit reveals scriptures to us all freely and I receive that today.

    Is there anything wrong with reading other books than the bible? No. Is there anything wrong with education itself? No, of course not. But, I do believe Satan has taken control of the system of education a long time ago to begin to frame the minds of children to begin to think without God. To teach kids to think without the foundation of truth to hold them steady when the waves of doctrines, laws, and philosophy come and try to move us from the solid ground of God's word. Again, I say it's dangerous to teach children that they can trust any old book to teach them the way when they can so easily be led astray by the enemy.Too many voices and ideas are confusing especially to the young. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and then the rest shall be added unto you. The kingdom is our relationship with Jesus Christ. In the beginning was the WORD, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. Teach children this FIRST above all, and then they can handle what the world throws their way. In the beginning is GOD! :-)

    Satan tempted Adam and Eve with with the very taste of the ability to "reason" and to "know". Wasn't he the tree of KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL? "Come", he said. "Let us reason together." "Did God really say you would die if you KNOW?" "You will surely not die if you know." "Eat of my fruit, eat of my knowledge of the truth of good and evil and you will be as God."

    Satan knew that if he could divide man from walking and talking with God daily, he could easily destroy man and overcome and take his inheritance as sons of God. When we ate of the knowledge of good and evil, our spirit eyes were closed and our souls, our minds or flesh, took control. We began to seek to provide for our flesh and needs rather than fulfilling our needs through our creator God. We could no longer see God any longer. We could no longer felowship with him. God is spirit and spirit speaks to spirit. Adam and Eve began to work and communicate through the flesh the minute they took upon themselves to "know" by the other tree rather than the tree of life.

    I believe one can easily get lost in all the thoughts and knowledge of this world that you miss the very voice of Jesus Christ who is right there speaking truth to you daily through his spirit. I believe that the tree of knowledge of good and evil is still speaking and seeking to deceive. I believe that the spirit of deception can be found in the church and in the library full of books. I therefore choose to read and teach my children of God and life through the bible alone. Salvation through relationship with Jesus alone and not through the preacher at church every Sunday. Follow the leader, Jesus Christ through His word, and the rest shall be added.

    I pray you receive this in the spirit of love that it is intended. I believe God spoke to you Michael and you heard His call for your life. I believe He is still speaking to you and is leading you to the place He has planned for you. You are in preperation for His great plan in your life. He has ordered your steps and I know He will reveal Himself fully to you in due time. I pray for you and your beautiful family.

    Talk to you soon,

    Col. 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.  

  2. # Blogger Jamie Butts

    I like your cool tabs on your blog. Is it easy? I want to learn...

    Sneaking in town in a few weeks to see Baby Jake. Hope to see you guys too! Tell Mindy to get ready to get her "boba tea" on with me.

    The 13th-15th. Oh, and I'll get those wedding gifts off your hands since my dad never came by...

    Jamie Butts :)  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    You might like reading some of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's books. I don't know how philosophical you would find them but I believe they are a powerful commentary on modern man's "humanity". "Cancer Ward" is my favorite as I believe that story from USSR is beginning to be the global state we are finding ourselves in. By the way, what a great commentary from Cami! Love ya...DP  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    PS If you can find time in your horrific schedule you might also check out Sam Soleyn website...DP  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Whoa - when did you get so smart?

    "For there exists a species of misemployed and appropriated culture – you have only to look around you!"

    I'd like to think I fit in this mold somehow but "misemployed" implies that one is imployed at all, so it's not me.

    Come see me in San Francisco. It's certainly a place to see.  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Ha! I said "imployed"! Maybe that speaks volumes about my "employment" status....  

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