Stone Life

Dogmatism, I Love To Hate Thee

I admit it; like a rubber-necker to a fender bender on the shoulder of the highway, I love to internally gawk at the dogmas of other people. Please, please, do not throw back at me my own sins in this area; I am way ahead of you, but even scripture infers that one is able to see through the plank in their own eye...even if this is not the wisest move. So, I turn my head sideways, squint a little (so as to see around my plank better) and enjoy the show of the dogmatic.

Today, before basketball practice, we had a team "devotional" (and I use this word very, very loosely) led by one of the assistant coaches. Let me pull back the curtain on this particular coach. You all know him, you have perhaps been him at some point in your life; at the very least, you Baptists (or ex-Baptists, as the case may be) have gone to church or school with him. He's the hyper-militant-abrasive-, and, yes, dogmatic super-duper Calvinist that has all of the answers wrapped up in some ready made sermonette that was preached to him in a 4 part series. He is armed with just enough Scripture and jargon to be dangerous, but not enough to be taken seriously as an expert; this, however, does not prevent him from being an all-encompassing "answer-man" for the faith and a beacon of light for those "wayward sinners" that dare to believe in things like Catholic Christianty (liberals). Like I said, you have met him.

He spent 20 minutes or so detailing salvation and Calvinist doctrine, which was by and large tolerable, but then the real fun started. Our players began to ask questions, real questions. When asked about the logic behind his could hear the crickets singing. When questioned about the validity of the Bible....more of the same. It was an unarmed man running into the fray with only the sword of "I have experienced it, and that means that it is true". It was a slaughter, in my opinion. Once on his heals he reverted to the ever trusty bashing of Catholics and Episcopals as Godless wannabe's, the stance of himself having attained some measure of perfection that we lowly sorts should strive towards, and those with legitimate questions as faithless rejectors.

Are dogmas not great from the outside. Was it that long ago that I held firmly to the belief that alcohol was evil? Did most Calvinists not once hold opposite views as tested truths? Have the particulars of my faith not be transformed time and again? Why then do we insist that our newest insights are the only truths acceptable? Where is the humilty? Is there not room for error or change? Despite rumors to the contrary, I am not advocating relativism, just relativity and change. I hold to as few "isms" as possible, but there seems a dire need to adopt a stance that allows for growth and maturity in our beliefs.

I have no great declarations or the strength to ramble incoherently (lucky you); just fired up tonight. Good night.

4 Responses to “Dogmatism, I Love To Hate Thee”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Wouldn't you agree, though, that there has to be some absolutes? Like Jesus is the son of God, The bible is GOd's word. I mean some of those things have to remain absolute right? And if there aren't absolutes, then where does faith fit in? I am in no way questioning your beliefs, personally, I am just curious what you think. I have definitely been where your coach friend was and feel for him, but I think sometimes pride gets in the way. We don't like to admit that we don't have this whole faith in Christ thing figured out. It somehow gets too scary. What are your thoughts?  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous


    Just curious. Have you ever been baptised in the holy spirit?

    There is baptism by water and then a baptism by fire is offered to us by our Lord. Jesus said that the
    signs that shall follow his disples are speaking in tongues, healing of the sick, and casting out demonds. This can only come through baptism in His holy spirit. was just curious to know if you have had this experience in your walk of faith.

    I believe a deeper revelation of scripture comes when we invite the holy spirit to come and reveal the living word to us. It's like when the holy spirit comes and annoints the believer the word literally becomes 3-D. It jumps off the page and you know it's God speaking directly to you, and in you. It's awesome.

    I think there are surely absolutes. Our God is a God of absolutes. He does not strike us down for questioning or seeking and never forces us to do anything. But, I do know we can make a relatively short journey take 40yrs. when it should have only taken a few days. I stand as living testimony to that!

    Continue to seek Him out and you shall find Him. Deep calls to deep and I believe He is doing a deep work in you. I pray for wisdom and revelation to come to you. Hold fast to your faith and He will bring you to the destination He has prepared for you. It takes but faith the size of a mustard seed and I believe you pocess that.

    love to you and yours,

  3. # Blogger Erin

    So, I'm getting it. I'll admit it has taken a while for this out of shape mind of mine to grasp what you have so eloquently been writing about in your last several posts.
    There is absolute truth. And you believe that. It is our perception of that truth that troubles you. Correct? How can we, as sinful humans be so sure of what we claim to know as truth when it (our perception of truth) is constantly evolving. And not randomly evolving on its own...but rather it is "being evolved" (I know that is not the best use of the English language-but it makes sense). Our perception is being changed and molded by God's hand through our study of Scripture and His revelation of Himself to us.
    As an example, take Erin from 7-8 years ago. I think about the way that I SO boldly announced that I could never worship a God who caused or purposed bad things (like death) to happen. Through study and reflection I began to understand what that really entailed. If He did not cause those things then He allowed them. From there, it snowballs. Suddenly, (this is definately the short version) I find myself very uncomfortable with the idea of worshiping this God who seemingly has His hands tied behind His back. Through more study of Scripture I see that He did, indeed, purpose/cause those things to happen. But this time around I am greatly comforted by it. Did the actual truth ever move or change? No. Only my perception of it. Have I finally arrived at a point where I have it completely figured out? Certainly not. Nor will I ever this side of heaven. And this is where humility enters. We would do well to step back and take a look at our former selves and our former perception of truth. Look long and hard at what we once insisted was truth and realize that we could be just as off base with what we are insisting on now. Maybe we would speak a little softer. Not speak with less conviction...just with a very clear understanding that we are human.
    Am I getting it? I hope that all made sense. It is late and I am tired. But I think I get it finally. Whether or not this comment makes sense, it is clear in my head. Thank you, Michael. Keep posting.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Ok, so that's where I was trying to go with my comment but Erin laid it out SO much better. What are your thoughts, Michael?  

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