Stone Life

Saviour of the World or Infamous Murderer

I was faced with one of life's great mysterious questions this evening. Upon entering church a woman asked if I had signed up for 'living christmas' yet (this is apparantly some sort of drive-thru nativity scene that the church does every year at this time). I had honestly been waiting for the invite, because I already have the beard that 50 percent of the men in the church are now attempting to grow for the occasion. I said that I had not, and so she left me with the option: Jesus or Barrabas.

Apart from the question of whether or not I even want to be involved in the whole ordeal, this presents quite a quandry for me. I suppose that it feeds nicely into my Jesus-complex to play the role of the one-and-only Saviour, but this is perhaps even a bit much for my inflated sense of self. I am prone to a good deal of cursing at different moments, and so would the sacrilege be all the more exaggerated if it occured while dressed as Jesus? You never know when you are going to stub your toe and say something very un-Saviour like.

Barrabas seems a much more appropriate part for me to play. Though I am not a murderer, I am quite sinful. Undoubtedly I will speed in my car on the way to the church (sin), I will probably think nasty thoughts about the urchins that I taught earlier that day (sin 2X), and a host of other unJesus-like thoughts/actiities (sin 3X, 4X, 5X....ect).

I suppose I should thereby stick with the ugly sinner; I play one of those everyday.

2 Responses to “Saviour of the World or Infamous Murderer”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    "Come now, and let us reason together,"
    Says the Lord,
    "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow;
    Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.

    Isaiah 1:18

    Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!


  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I love the way you think. We all would like to think we could play the Jesus role and some poor soul just might think it was appropriate. But, those who know ourselves know what a sham that would be. I always have to duck my head when the Bible calls us, the saved, righteous and saints. I'm studying Daniel and focusing on the integrity of said man and his 3 friends. I want so hard to have that. Then I go into a store today and as I walk to my car I check my receipt and realize I wasn't charged for 1 item. I walk back to the store and get into the long check-out line to pay the $5. But the line was too long and I was late for work, so, I forget integrity and go on. I probably would have eaten the meat, swallowed with rich wine, and bowed down to Neb's little statue just to get on with business. A saint - I think not.

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