Stone Life

Running in the Snow

Seriously, is there anything in the world better than running in the snow? I have always been a fan of running in the rain, which is the closest thing to snow that we have in Texas aside from the once-per-year free day from work/school, the day that DFW locks its doors for the ever popularly phrased winter blast, but today I actually was privileged to run through a light snow storm.

I have had a rough Christmas holiday to say the least. My basketball tournament was canceled several weeks ago, and so I have been forced, kicking and screaming, to spend the whole of my time away from school in the drudgery of the New Mexico mountains. Ugh! What is worse, I was also made to snow board for three solid days on a deserted mountain in Angel Fire, and now I might even have to do the same in Ruidoso later today. I have had the misfortune to read several novels, drink my body weight in coffee, watch more than my share of football and basketball, and even smoke some hand-rolled cigars on a sprawling porch while trying to distinguish between the smoke of the burning tobacco and the steam being naturally emitted from my warm mouth breathing into the chill air. All said, it has been tough.

Truly, the only bad thing about this trip is that it will have to end in a few days. Texas, I do not miss thee.

1 Responses to “Running in the Snow”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    The true beauty of life is in these get-aways from the everyday routines of life. Ruidoso has always been our interruption of the mundane. It's beauty, smell and remoteness has always filled my senses and calmed my heart. Remember the carefree days of miniature golf and gocarts and monopoly? And let's not forget spoons and nertz on the scarred round table. Now it's cigars and a glass of wine on the front porch looking out over the evergreens in the pristine mountain air. God is so good.  

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