Stone Life

Purging of My Soul

I have lately embarked upon what can only be characterized as the cleansing of my soul through literary means. For at least the next 4-6 months I am officially trading:


Disturbing, is it not?

Though it has looked debatable in recent years, I am not wandering aimlessly through the corridors of the University of Dallas, and my intention is indeed to graduate with some haste. To accomplish this, as well as my equal goal of understanding my wife, un-understandable as she sometimes presents herself, I have enrolled in a Jane Austen class. It is the only class that fits perfectly with my other two and allows me to teach and coach basketball.

So, for the sake of practicality and forethought, I spent this holiday weekend (I appreciated your post, Jamie) reading Sense and Sensibility. This semester may prove to be my toughest yet. I am going to read everything she wrote over the next few months, but I may have to sneak in some Nabokov or Nietzsche to counteract the G-rated onslaught against my mind at the hands of Austen.

One down, I will start the next this evening. Perhaps there is hope for my soul yet.

2 Responses to “Purging of My Soul”

  1. # Blogger Jamie Butts


    Glad you enjoyed my MLK Jr. post! I actually posted it, knowing that you were the one that would appreciate it the most. Teachers unite. :)

    Hug Julie for me. Drink a beer for D. Ha!

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I have to say reading your Russian author is like climbing a rocky mountain barefoot, while reading Jane Austen is like curling up next to a cozy, warm fire. I guess it takes all kinds. But remember - you did come from me!  

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