Stone Life

Summer (2)

After the Deutschkurse in June, I entered what can only be described as 'Nerd-Summer-Camp'. Tucked into the heart of Uptown there is a nondescript old house with a wrap-around porch, surrounded by a blanket of green-leafed trees and cats (it seems like there are thousands, though I think in actuality there are only five). A quarter-century ago Dr. Louise Cowan and her late husband began this odyssey that has been devoted to both the arts in Dallas, and, each summer, for training and revitalizing teachers.

For three weeks, we read and immersed ourselves in every particular of a dozen novels or dramas, we wrote, and we were able to 'sit at the feet' of some truly brilliant minds that sought to challenge us, to push us. It was fantastic, and after the dust had settled, and after everyone was back home (though still working on their final papers, which were due two weeks later), you had that same weird youth-camp feeling; you missed seeing people who were isolated in the same pseudo-reality that is the bubble of the Summer Institute, and, in a drastic departure from youth-camp, you missed the food (they fed us like kings for three weeks...had I not been on a strict running regimen I would have gained 400 lbs.....that's right, 400).

I have since dried my "on fire for Lit." eyes, though "I know, I just know that I'm going to be different now...I'm going to tell everyone about Aeschylus and never be ashamed...", and I have finished my research paper, and now it is time to get into school-mode. I have not even gotten to the move yet, but that will have to wait until later. I have to run; it is oh-so-tough to keep up with a teacher's schedule in the summertime.


2 Responses to “Summer (2)”

  1. # Blogger Abbey

    Glad to hear from you on here again. Keep 'em coming.  

  2. # Blogger Momma B.

    I am not related to you but I have also been anxiously awaiting an update. I have just been patient because I can only imagine the rigors of a teachers summer schedule! I can't wait to see some pics of the new digs!!  

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