Stone Life

A Word to Parents

I realize that by some strange perversion of the psyche that you parents out there see your children as one of these (see left) for their entire young lives. You coddle them and protect them in the 6th grade as if they were the same innocent creature that they were when they were this (again, see left).

I have news for you, in case you didn't know. They aren't this anymore. They are some strange, almost indefinable hybrid of child/teenager/adult, but one thing is for sure...they are no longer cute and cuddly, and they must accept a modicum of responsiblity for their actions.

I was called into the administrator of my school's office yesterday and lambasted for my methods, grading, inexperience, apathy, communication skills, and in a round about way my spirituality. In short, I was beaten down, all on account of some parents that don't believe their child should be treated like a 12 year old. "How can _____ be expected to actually turn in his work if the teacher doesn't email or call everytime he 'forgets'?" "He doesn't make himself as available as his last teacher (and there's always a better, last teacher)." You get the point.

Allow me to offer some alternatives:

1. Your child is lazy - he has not turned things in for the last 30 weeks, and when he does; let's face it, a blind monkey could do better work.

2. It's your fault - I know you don't like hearing this, but where have you been for 30 weeks? You signed failing papers, report cards, progress reports...etc each week, and now you're concerned? Why don't you hold up your end of this bargain and be more than an advocate in the death chamber, begging for a stay of execution? You should have cared long ago.

3. Your child is not smart - you have him enrolled in a private school that boasts high academic standards that he is not living up to. Maybe he and his bad work ethic need to be elsewhere. Not every school is this tough on their students, and it's not fair to other students to demand that we lower our standards to meet the needs of one.

These kids wouldn't be half so bad if they didn't have parents. So, here's my unsolicited advice to you parents (like a virgin giving advice on sex): they and you are not perfect; suck it up and don't take it out on some 25 year old who makes just above minimum wage.

1 Responses to “A Word to Parents”

  1. # Blogger Jamie Butts

    Wow friend.. so sad that they chewed you out for that. I face the same thing here.. it's frustrating indeed. We as teachers get in trouble when the kids fail.. and they expect us to e-mail and call everytime the kid "forgets" his homework, even if it's the 3rd copy! I'm through with that. I'm giving out way more 0's on stuff now. I'm on my way to check out your sweet wife's blog while the kids are working on Health homework.  

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