Although I gave her a hard time for it, Debby did take some good pics of the party; I think she captured to night well. Enjoy.
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I don't know why today is the day I picked to read "the stone life" blog after months...maybe it was listening to Michael's CD having only known he produced one for about a week...maybe it's the last week of seeing Julie and Michael almost everyday and having dinner 4 times in one week (and not being tired of them)...maybe it's that meeting all of you family members at the party have satisfied a long time curiousity about who you are and what that means, maybe I'm more grateful than ever for the unlikely alliance of this young couple with me at a time when I could never have known what I needed, maybe I feel kind of part of something that only God can give and make special in ways that can't be described.....
or maybe I am extremely bored with this very quiet summer, and simply punched the blog button to see what was there...
maybe I'll check more often.
I think I set up a blog because of you all...I'm testing it out.
It was a great party. I everything turned out like you wanted.
Miss ya'll. Think about you both as I use the Bodum. Sorry about your teaching woes. You'll do great though. And amen to boring, stupid meetings being a waste of our lives. (Don't tell.) Some are helpful; most are not! :(