Stone Life

Barack You Like a Hurricane

As my new favorite website informed me yesterday evening, Barack Obama is coming to Big-D tomorrow for a speaking engagement. I have not been terribly political in recent months; in fact, the scope of my politicization has been centered on scoffing at Granpa-McCain's good-ol'-boy false humility, Huckabee's ultra-Christianity, Hillary's melt-the-paint-off-your-walls nasal tones, and basically any other reason not to vote for one candidate or another. I am admittedly not the most politically savvy, but I have been strangely drawn to Obama's charisma and energy. There is just something about a presidential candidate who sounds presidential that is appealing. I am not saying that I am ready to jump on the Obama bandwagon just yet, but I am curious enough to want to hear him speak.

As I was driving to school this morning I was musing on how to finagle my way to this event on a school day. After coming up with elaborate schemes to free me up for the few hours it would take to head to Reunion and join the mob, I did the illogical - I asked my principle. He quickly agreed with me that it would be a great opportunity to take some of the senior Government students to hear him, and so we lined up a bus and are heading that way tomorrow. I have nothing to do with the Politics department, but, probably because it was my idea, they are letting me tag along. I am really, really excited about the whole thing.

I will give you details afterward, but I thought some of you might be excited with me.

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