Stone Life

Close Call

Wow, one day into my ambitious blogging challenge and I just nearly forgot to blog. Does anyone really think this will possibly last a full month? - I certainly have my doubts.

Rather than continue the tour of the apartment and the surrounding area, I wanted to show a couple of pictures that I found on the camera when I was uploading the pics from last night. Julie and I are the world's worst at documenting our lives visually. I am always so impressed with those people that always seem to have a camera with them, and they are able to remember every event through these digital pixelations. I assumed that such traits where indigenous to all women and a handful of men, sort of like fashion or a sense of cleanliness, but, alas, I was wrong. My wife is incredible at so many things, but when it comes to picture taking she is no better than I am.

With that said, I came across pics of our trip to Mexico over Christmas with my family. It was such a fabulous time, and these pictures made me laugh. So, here you go.

Tell me this. If your primary function was restaurant that served large quantities of alcoholic beverages, do you thin, the best idea is to put a floating trampoline 50 yards out into the water and then invite drinkers of said-alcohol to do flips into the water? I was trying to explain this to some friends today as we looked at the pics, and, despite trying to justify why drinking and swimming in deep water was perfectly rational at the time, I now realize that is a recipe for disaster. All the same, I am very impressed that Julie was able to snap some mid-air pictures.

On an entirely different note, I started a new book yesterday that I feel I should recommend. Due to reasons that I cannot now remember, I have been introduced in the last two years to Cormac McCarthy as a serious literary figure of the 21st Century. I read No Country for Old Men before the movie came out, finished his newest, The Road, this summer, and a few weeks ago I read the very controversial (at least in Texas) Child of God, but the one I have been waiting to read, Blood Meridian, which I have now heard two people I esteem greatly recommend, is quickly moving to the top of the heap. For those of you who have not given him a read, let me say that I believe it to be well worth your time. He has a straight-forward simplicity that does not overwhelm those interested in a light-read, but his story-telling is off the charts. For what it is worth, I thought I would throw that plug in.

Good night.

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