Stone Life

I have been remiss in my blogging; not that I have heard complaints to that effect, but I assume the silent masses have been groaning under the oppressive lack of knowledge about what is transpiring in the fast-times-at-stonelife these days. Quite simply, not much. Regardless, because this is about the only way I communicate with friends and families, besides the warm tones of my outgoing voicemail message (that seems to be my brother's favorite), let me offer for your edification a synopsis of the past few months.

*I have just completed my first semester of Ph.D work at UTD. I took a course in literature of the Weimar Republic in Germany, which basically entails the literary explosion that occurred just after WWI in Germany. Concerning the reading load, it was maybe the most fascinating single class I have taken. I was exposed to a world of thinkers and an era of writing that I did not even know existed. Germany has never recoverd intellectually from the Great Wars, but their legacy in these early writers should survive even the destructive influences of Hitler. I am at least considering focusing my future dissertation work on this era...stay tuned. I also took an intro-Humanities course that is required for all grad students. Though far from the most challenging course I have ever taken, this was an eye-opening experience. Whereas at UD, we studied the "humanities" almost entirely literarily, in this course we approached the study with the breadth that such an undertaking requires. We read a wide variety of texts, from classics to science, and we studied music and art from those classically trained in each. The thinking was almost entirely abstract and lacking in direction at times, but it allowed me to begin experimenting with the creativity that will be expected in the remainder of this program. It also cuased me to expand my view of what a degree grounded in the humanities might entail apart from teaching. All in all, it was a good start.

I am enrolled in a creative writing class that begins in about a month, and then in the Fall I will hopefully be taking a full course-load (12 hours!!) and not teaching full-time. I am hoping for a position at the university, but Julie and I are committed to me finishing in just a few years, so we are going to find a way to make it work. I am really, really excited; nervous, but excited. I have never NOT had a full-time job while attending school. From the time I moved to Sherman I have always maintained both work and study, but it seems like the right way to approach my current studies to devote myself fully to them.

*Julie took the CPA exam and passed 3 of the 4 sections, which we were really proud of. She is currently studying for the 1 remaining, and she will hopefully be completed with the test before June. I know she is ready to quit studying.

I wish there was more to say, but we live a pretty quiet existence in our tiny apartment. Hopefully, if any of you are still out there, I'll add more later.

2 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger Abbey

    I check back often and am glad you finally have an update. Though I was sure you would update on the Mavs and Avery Johnson.  

  2. # Blogger John

    Just stumbled across your blog today. Good luck with your Ph.D program. Sounds like you've already done some interesting study.  

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