Stone Life

Apples and Oranges

A fundamental question must be asked of each believer living on Earth, does it not? "What is my purpose," would be one way to put it, but I prefer another similar oblique look at the same issue: why incarnation, why humanity?

We were not created in a bubble; we do not exist in a Platonic vacuum, operating only in the ether, disembodied spirits in unhindered acts of worship without bodily concerns. No, we were created in an environment ruled by the human being. One can hardly argue that God did not privilege the human above all other things, giving man dominion over the Earth, allowing man the only opportunity in creation to partake of the imago dei, and God choosing this earthen vessel as a house for the god-man, Jesus.

Man was not only tolerated as a necessary evil the plan of God; he was given artistic outlets, creating and subduing creation from the beginning , participating in this godlike act in ways that other creatures could not. The first chapters of Genesis speak to this creative function of humanity. Adam embraced his humanness, naming the creatures of God on Earth, and engaging in the human right of marriage. Much of the Old Testament speaks to the governing of man on Earth. Imperfect as man's efforts in governing were, God did not abolish the function of government itself; instead, he continually called his leaders to both follow him AND lead justly. The New Testament, likewise, offers salvation dripping with abundant life, in both this life and the next. What purpose do books like James serve apart from guiding one's endeavors while embodying the human form?

Why, in light of privileged humanness, are we believers so very insistent on denying our two-fold existence. Agreed, there is a metaphysical component to one's life - a hope unseen and unknown, but we cannot divorce ourself from then context we have been placed into any more than we can decide the breathing of oxygen violates our faith in God. We look not, as one of my favorite folksingers croons, for a 'Saviour on Capitol Hill", but we with equal certainty do not throw up our hands in surrender, pining for the completion of time not yet fulfilled.

I ask, why not 'hope'? Is my hope in God so fragile that it cannot be divided? I love my wife without fear that such love will undermine my love for God, that an increase (or existence) of the one does not necessitate a denial of the other.

We search not for a new saviour; our is sufficient for salvation, but he has chosen not to rule as a Pharoah upon the throne, God in the form of man as ruler. In fact, his incarnation existed in a civil society governed by the laws of Caesar, laws which he both obeyed and advocated. His death was even a Socrates-like submission to these authorities. Saviour aside, what is the danger of hoping for a good leader? We exist as beings living in the flesh; should we not choose to live out our condition fully and in thankful submission to our state?

3 Responses to “Apples and Oranges”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I will not submit to a state that takes adavantage of me and my children. I will not pledge allegience to men who lie and lie daily to promote their own agenda. I might have to for now as required by law, but my allegience belongs to the King of all Kings Jesus Christ and His Government on earth. He and His kingdom way is more real to me than the systems of government on this earth. I am more and more realizing I am just an alien here, an ambassador for whom I represent and His truth that I seek to understand. I am called to be "seperate" from this world and to"love not" this world.

    You say you are a cinic, well I am right there with you. I do not "hope" in man. I do not hope in man's promises. I used too. I used to blindly trust my leaders and teachers and preachers, but I assure you because of their fatal flaw of being a human being they have all let me down. Yes, even myself I have let myself down and gone down the road of self-defeat. I do not hope nor trust in man and what he can do for me. I do not hope in "self-help" and "self-love" scenerios. I have been there and done that.

    I have come to realize only true hope and true promise comes from my Father in heaven through His son. He is soooo much more than the bible stories we were taught as children. He is real, and He is alive and He speaks to me. What goes on in the "physical" realm i.e. our earth is only a picture of what is happening in the spirit world right now as we speak. There is a world that is seen, and one which is not seen i.e. invisible.

    For we war not against flesh and blood, but the principalities and the powers of darkness and rulers in the air. You see, I take the bible by its word. I take it seriously and I believe what is written. I believe I have a Father God, but I also believe I have an enemy.

    Jesus Christ is of the kingdom of God, and Satan has his own "counterfeit" kingdom on earth. There is a tree of life, and a tree of Knowledge of good and evil. Satan was given the world to rule after Adam gave up his birthright to rule as a son of God. Just as Esau gave up his birthright to Jacob out of hunger, so did Adam when he believed the devil's lies and forfeited his right to inherit the earth. Ever since that day Satan has been in charge of the world. He has set up his systems to rule over mankind and set up his kingdom on earth in order to control man and be worshiped. To believe that man rules himself without any outside spiritual influence is an illusion. It is like an ostrich hiding his head in the sand. Do not be deceieved, there is a puppet master holding the strings of our "leaders" who were sent to rule over us. Oh, wait I mean "serve" us.

    There is a kindgom of darkness, and a kingdom of God which is light. Satan rules and manipulates man for his own purpose and gratification. Jesus rules for the benefit of mankind. Satan rules to be worshiped. Jesus rules to be loved and to love. Worshiping Him through music is and act of intimate love. Satan says freedom comes with a price. Jesus says freedom comes at a price but I payed for it and all one has to do is believe.

    I do not live my life through the eyes of man, but through the eyes of my spirit through His spirit. I try to "see" the unseen. For that is believe without seeing. I see man and I see what he is capable of, and I do not have faith in him to rule righteously and justly. Especially not under this system of government that is absolutely broken and corrupt.Maybe in the past there was some what of a hope that a man could lead with pure motives, but I do not believe that is possible in this day and age we are in. Satan has too much control. Too much domain has been given to him by man and his poor choices. Too much sin has been released and accepted in our society alone and judgment will be coming soon because of it.

    Do I live in the world? Yes. Do I even enjoy some worldly things? Yes. Do I have to operate in the systems that the world is run by? Yes. Do I have to obey the laws? Yes. Render unto Ceasars what is Ceasars Jesus says. Jesus even provided for a man's taxes by a coin in the belly of a fish. But I do not have to have faith and hope in what can be shaken and what is proven to be full of faults. I put my faith, hope, and trust in a firm foundation. He is my rock and strong tower who is not capable of unfaithfulness. Jesus did "submit" to Roman law but He also said to Pilot, "NO power or authority has been given to you over me BUT by my Father in heaven." So in essence it was His Father that willed that Jesus be "submitted" to the kings of this world.The world itself and its system of government had nothing to do with Jesus' "surrender". Jesus subjected himself to the shame for our beneifit. He desired to give power to the people through his sacrifice of surrender to God's will(not mans government)! God's law and will trumps mans every time. He raises up leaders and turns their hearts like a drop of water in His hand. Man can do nothing outside of God allowing it.

    Man was given choice in the garden to live by spirit with the spirit of God, or to be ruled by flesh...i.e. humanness. Unfortunately, he choice poorly.
    Our "Humanness" is weakness and is not to be glorified. Our ability to rule the world without God has proven to be a disaster. God created man not to be an entity of himself, but to be a vessel in which God desires to live in through His holy spirit. We are temples of God! We were never meant to live outside of the fact that God made us to live in us and work through us. Actually our humaness, our flesh, is required to be sacrificed. We are required to allow our flesh to be crucified so that He can live more freely in us. We were never called to imbrace being human. We are but dust and will return to dust. ALL of YOU and NONE of me Lord.

    The work of the cross is so much more than being saved, SOOOOO much more. We are created to be Sons of God manifested on earth to represent His holy kingdom and teach others how to live under the standard of God. We are called to be the light of the world and salt of the earth and live to bless others in our daily walk and above all LOVE. We are the heirs of God and His kingdom.

    I reject the world's standards of living. I reject this rat race. I reject the worship of being human. I reject that we can be as god without god and rule the earth by our own wisdom and knowledge of good and evil. I look for a higher purpose than going to a building,participating "as disembodied spirits in unhindered acts of worship",tithing to get God to pay my bills, and completing the dumb down version of The Purpose Driven Life.I reject the "systems" of this world and its ability to provide for my needs as a human being...Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I reject the world and embrace His kingdom.

    Thy Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is kingdom of Glory forever and ever....AMEN.

    Thit is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thy kingdom come...Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    We need God's wisdom and direction because man does not live by bread alone but by the very words that proceed out of the mouth of God. Yes we have to live under the government of man currently....but soon very soon we will be offered away to step out of babylon and come into the promised land of God's kingdom operating on earth. Will we choose to pledge allegience to a man or trust Jesus that He will take care of us and provide for the very food we put on the table at night? It will be the ultimate test. I pray that God will be with us and manifest His spirit and wisdom in us for the days that are coming to earth.

    Always in Love and submission to Jesus Christ my Lord,

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    forgive my typos and spelling errors for it is late,and I lack the benefit of an editor. :+)  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    WOW! That's my baby...and she didn't even go to college!  

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