Stone Life


Let me assure you of something, you nor I have ever been privy to the spectacle I was involved in on a random February morning in Dallas yesterday. As I mentioned in my last post (the first one in months, I know), I was able to attend the Barak Obama rally at Reunion Arena yesterday morning. The 6 pm news reported attendance to be in the range of 20K people, which makes it easily the largest political event in Dallas history.

As we drove near (within 4-5 blocks) the arena, there was a sea of people flooding from side streets and main access roads towards Reunion. For the next couple of hours people did not stop crowding the lawns and parking garages trying to gather what often amounted to only a distant glimpse of one who appears to be perhaps the most galvanizing political figure of our lifetime. Even amidst this endless ocean, complete with a series of lines wrapping around five levels of the garage and down several city blocks of reserve parking and interstate byways, people standing for literal hours not moving an inch closer to the closed doors, I heard nothing but cheers and excitement at being there. People were just happy, truly united under a common cause, even if only for that morning.

Due to a fortuitous surging of the line we were in and a lack of sufficient control of the crowd by the woefully unprepared city of Dallas, we were able to not only get into the building, which is more than I can say for everyone in line that day, but we also were able to stand mosh-pit style only 20 feet or so from the foot of the stage (my calves are still sore from standing so long). Once inside it was like a rock concert or a Mav’s game; in fact, one of the speakers prior to Obama said, “I gotta believe if we would have cheered this loud last year we might have been able to beat the Warriors!” Complete with the obligatory crowd-waves, though there were no beachballs that I saw, the raucous crowd cheered and chanted, danced to the music, and erupted in cheering at even the thought that he might emerge from the tunnel.

Former Dallas Mayor and Obama confidant Ron Kirk spoke first. I had only heard the negative about Kirk in the years since his term ended, but he was an outstanding speaker, and a worthy representative of the Democratic Party. I think I could have listened to him for another hour and would have been content (he issued the Mavericks line, now that I think about it). After him came the truly comical portion of the program. Emmitt Smith was allowed the opportunity to do what he has been doing all season on ESPN: make an ass of himself. Listen, this guy was a hell of an athlete, but, and let me be clear, HE CANNOT STRING A COHERENT SENTENCE TOGETHER!!! We began to think that this was a ploy by Obama’s people to make him sound better. Had Obama gone after Kirk we might not have been so blown away by his rhetorical skill, but after Emmitt? – he was a Rhodes Scholar in comparison. My favorite part: (Emmitt was gaining momentum and getting more confusing and flustered by the minute...and he was shouting like a very short Howard Dean) “…In the words of Dr. King… ‘I have a dream…uhm, uh.. that little boys and girls will be, uh…able to do stuff together…and, uh, mmm, that things will be great…and….” I am not sure if he trailed off or completed the thought, because I was rolling on the floor and praying to Jesus that he would keep talking. Who knew Dr. King was such a bad speaker, right?

Finally, after almost three-hours of standing that day, the crowd surged with applause and hysteria as Obama took the stage. Agree or disagree with his politics, one cannot argue with the fact that his presence is electric. For the next hour or so we hung on every word, laughed at every joke (he’s much more clever than he has been portrayed in the media), and left truly wanting to believe what he had said. His message, a mix between preacher and political mouthpiece, was unabashedly simple: Hope can prevail amidst cynicism. He did not hide from the fact that he was an idealist, that he believed in the possibility of change. Citing his critics, he outright refused to ‘grow up’, stating that such a statement implied the notion that with age comes the crushing of dreams. This resonated with me most. I am becoming these past few years more and more jaded and cynical, and to see a middle aged man hanging on to youthful vigor and dreams is something admirable.

1 Responses to “Obama”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    How long will we trust in man to bring about the change we long for? How long will we look to a man to give us peace? How many years of lessons do we need to teach us that there is no hope in the wisdom and knowledge of man to bring forth the change we long for?

    How old is America?? How many leaders have risen up and said...."I have it, I have the way to peace and prosperity!" "I can lead the masses to a prosperous way of life and keep the enemies at bay!"

    Too many I say. Too many men that give us promises and then dissappoint because they are incapable of bringing forth the results they promise.

    How many wars have there been for America alone since man has promised to bring forth such change for good and peace? Revolution, Civil, WW1, WW2, Korean, all of our efforts in Africa, Vietnam, Gulf War 1, Afganistan, Gulf War 2 known as the war on terror.....the list goes on. Plus many wars of many nations have been ommited from this rant.

    Who fights these wars? The sons of politicians???!!! The princes and kings that "serve" us the plublic? NO! Our sons. Our babies. Our little ones are asked to put their life on the line for the greater good. Our sons are asked to be sacrificed for freedom. Freedom which by the way is given freely by the ultimate sacrifice of God's son Jesus Christ. We don't have to send our sons to WAR! Freedom has already been provided for by our Father in heaven. Under God's kingdom and government alone is there ultimate peace and change, and He already gave us His son for the sacrifice! Just as Abraham did not have to sacrifice Isaac, we do not have to sacrifice our children for these wars!

    What greater good are our sons sacrificed for I ask? What change? Peace? Has there been peace since the beginning of man kind? NO! Every man since the beginning of time has promised peace, security, prosperity, and well-being for the masses...for the poor. Have they delivered? Is there peace? I tell you now...none have delivered nor kept to their promises of this peace and still we experience atroicity after atrocity because we refuse to see this simple fact. Man cannot deliver!

    Our children have been sent to war for this promise for centuries. Centuries our children have been sacrificed for the god of war, and peace is yet to come upon man-kind. WE still have dictators, facists, and murderers as leaders. We still have war. We still have sickness and death and hate and poo since the fall of man!

    There is no hope in man and his words. There is no hope in "knowing" and all it's promises of preventing the worse if we KNOW. There is no hope in government based upon the principles of man! Have we learned nothing from the bible!!!!
    Have we learned nothing from modern history????? How many history books do we have to read to realize we cannot do it?! We cannot rule this world righteously and justly!

    Man cannot bring change. Man is incapable of bringing peace through war...and man is not fit to bring about change to the masses. He is a failure, and he will fail us until the end of time.

    There is only one hope for change and that is the Prince of Peace. He declared change and He brought it. He declared peace and He gave it. He healed the sick and raised the dead so that we would believe. He brought forth the kingdom of God and His holy government..but we despised Him and crucified Him. We still do in order to imbrace man and his government.

    Jesus Christ was the only man capable to bring forth POWER and CHANGE to the people. He represents the Kingdom of God and not of man, and He gives power and wisdom to the masses freely to live free and in peace. He is the only way to the change that Obama, Clinton, McCain, Romney, and many many more have spoken of and promise to give but fall short. For all have sined and fallen short of the glory of GOD! Only Jesus Christ our Lord is perfect and through Him alone can we live free.

    The problem is youth. We think we are young and invincible and the ultimate be all to end all. We think we are the ones to bring what man has hoped for and longed for since the beginning of time. "We are it!" , we delcare. "We are the ones to represent the ultimate transition and evolution of man into prosperity and ultimate paradise on earth!" we say.

    I tell you now that is a lie from the enemy of darkness, and we will be judged by God through His son Jesus Christ if we do not repent and change through his holy spirit. We must realize our need for God our Father. We must realize our need for a Saviour, and we must realize our need for His holy spirit for guidance and wisdom or we are doomed.

    Man is a failure and is not capable to take care of the world unless a divine intervention shall occur. We cannot "rule" mankind through our governments or laws, but through His love and wisdom alone can we bring forth change. We must repent and change our minds from the thoughts of..."We can do it! WE don't need help! We know the way to peace and prosperity!" "WE can change!" Was that not the very first lie Satan spewed to man in the garden? "You can be as god without God and know all to be all?"

    Unless we realize we have a creator and He has a son that is the holy representative of the Kingdom of God in heaven that was sent 2 centuries ago to bring forth this change from hardship men longs for.......then we will forever be destined to this cycle of war and rumors of war, earthquakes in diverse places, plagues, pestilence, and CURSE!!!

    There is a way given and it is up to us to or death, curse or blessings. Choose ye therefore the way you will go. "I will give you life", thus sayeth the Lord, "and life to the abundance," "or you can choose death and its many many curses." Look it up in Deuteronomy 27 and 28.

    I declare without the wisdom of God through his son Jesus Christ and His holy spirit, man can only bring about the curse of death and we will forever live in this cycle of war, destruction, and sickness.

    In conclusion...Obama is simply a man, one of millions, with empty promises, that will only lead the way to destruction and ultimate death. Only if man gives up his "right to choose" and ask God what is best for us and repent of our shortcomings, i.e. sin, will we ever experience such CHANGE Obama preaches of!!!

    In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour through His love,


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