Stone Life

Playin' It Safe

After yesterday's near collapse of my Ripken-esque 1-day-consecutiv-blogging streak, I thought I would attempt an earlier entry. I have been tutoring and working on school-stuff all morning, so my insights are shallower than usual (I think my brain is going on strike until I put some food other than candy in my stomach). Maybe I will offer some more views from up high.

We have become spoiled with all the space in our living room.

A shot from the balcony. I was waiting on Julie to come home (she now rides the DART rail and walks a few blocks), so in theory that might be her in the crosswalk.

This week has been basically a daily monsoon, and I have found myself transfixed by watching the storms roll in from the West.

3 Responses to “Playin' It Safe”

  1. # Blogger Abbey

    I love your apartment. Usually its city people want to be in the country, but this country girl wishes she were in the city. :) I'll live through your pictures I guess.  

  2. # Blogger Unknown

    Your apartment looks way cool, yo.  

  3. # Blogger Erin

    Wow, quite a view. I like how you're right in the middle of all those people, yet your're not. You're far from them.  

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